Receding gums (may be referred to as shrinking gums) not only impact the appearance of a patient’s smile, but can also lead to the development of serious oral health issues, such as tooth sensitivity and root decay.
Gum recession may occur as a result of many factors, including tooth brushing trauma (i.e. using a hard toothbrush or overzealous brushing technique), tooth malposition, periodontal disease or muscle pull on the gum line.
Often patients do not like the appearance of receding gums and wish to consider receding gum treatment to improve aesthetics.
At Kew Periodontics and Dental Implants, we provide specialist receding gum treatment and gum grafting. Our periodontists have undergone extensive postgraduate training in these areas. Dr Allison Dean has also completed additional specialist courses in Munich (Germany), Florence (Italy) and Los Angeles (USA) with some of the best periodontists in the world.
Receding Gums Treatment and Gum Grafting
In regards to treatment, gum grafting is often considered for areas where the gums have receded.
Gum grafting may be considered if:
- A patient wishes to improve the appearance of an area where the gum has receded;
- A tooth is very sensitive to hot and cold;
- The area of gum recession appears to be progressing;
- An area is susceptible to root decay; or
- To help a patient achieve better plaque control.
A gum graft involves taking a thin piece of tissue from the roof of the mouth or gently moving the gum over from an adjacent area. The graft is placed to cover the exposed portion of the tooth root. Several stitches (sutures) are placed to hold the graft in position. The graft obtains its blood supply from the surrounding gum. Over time, the gum tissue matures to eventually look like normal, healthy gum tissue.
Receding Gums Surgery
Since 2001, our practice has been offering tailored treatment plans, surgery and personalised care to patients who have receding gums.
The team here at Kew Periodontics and Dental Implants are committed to providing each patient with the peace of mind and added confidence that comes from treating gum recession and improving oral health.
We are proud to be one of the most respected and trusted practices for receding gum treatment across Melbourne, with our team striving to deliver patients with the highest standard of care and support.
Our Process
Our specialist periodontal treatments provide Melbourne patients with initial receding gum treatment, ongoing care to help prevent further deterioration whilst educating patients on how to improve their overall oral health.
Our patient’s treatment plan always begins with a comprehensive, one-on-one consultation and assessment with one of our periodontists and gum recession specialists.
This consultation is used to thoroughly assess your condition and oral health and explain the risks of not obtaining treatment. It also allows us to then customise a treatment plan that we believe will help treat, control and manage your gum recession and oral health going forward.
For all enquiries, simply call 03 9853 7700 or complete our Contact form below.